Water Water Everywhere

I can’t say I’ve paid much attention to the weather recently, not since before Christmas in fact. Normally I would watch at least one forecast a day, a late evening one on the BBC news, just so I have some idea of the forecast for the following day, enabling me to make sure I have a coat, wrap up warm, or leave extra time to defrost the car in the morning

I Don’t Like Mondays

Monday January 27th 2014 I can’t say it started brilliantly. At home looking after my sick daughter who was recovering from having a ‘blood patch’ the previous Friday. Mostly she was lying flat, on the sofa, as her headache that’s been going on for nearly four months now, is at the moment a low pressure headache, which the doctors in Southampton had hoped to cure by this second ‘blood patch’.

Caged Hell

I step in. The water hits my head, wiping away the last vestiges of sleep. Damn it’s cold! But it takes my mind off of the pain in my back from sleeping in that bed, and all the other things on my mind. It’s Thursday 16th January, 7.20am, and as the cold water assaults the rest of my body I reflect on one, if not the, hardest weeks of my

Not Getting Any Better

2.40am Christmas Eve I’m borked……..at least, that’s what Han Solo, one of my favourite fictional characters would say. Ahhh…..fictional characters. They seem a world away at the moment as I write this in the barely perceptible light of the neurological ward I’m in. The last nine days have seemed like nine years. I’ve had a couple of days at home, having swapped with my wonderful wife, but mainly I’ve been

Late Night/Early Morning Ramblings Of A Mad Man

Monday 16th December ****, ****ER, *****CKS!!!!!! (Sorry for the expletives) Another late night excursion to the hospital and here I am again, 5:52am, in exactly the same bed as last time. God my back hurts. But more pressing than that, is the fact that the time between these visits has decreased rather suddenly. For about ten days now I’ve been plagued by thoughts of my daughter being in hospital over

Saturday Morning Blues

Ahh…….2.45am, I remember you. The last time was only a few weeks ago, here in exactly the same place……..the hospital! It seems ironic that some twelve hours ago (Friday afternoon), I was so tired, I kept dropping off in front of my computer, and yet as I sit here now, I’m unable to go to sleep, on what has become now, a familiar fold down bed. My daughter’s headache (which

Hospital Thoughts

My tale from yesterday, while sitting in the hospital as my poorly daughter receives treatment….. I sit here watching and waiting as the nurse takes her temperature and blood pressure. A recognisable churning, reminiscent of previous visits, makes itself known in the pit of my stomach. Here we go again! I say we, but it’s not really me……it’s my daughter. As I sit here and write this, she’s about to

One Of The Three Greatest Days Of My Life

It happened exactly eleven years ago today. And I remember it as if it were yesterday. The birth of my eldest daughter……..Jaina! A few days overdue, and my wife’s waters having broken many hours earlier, we awoke in the middle of the night, sometime just after 3am, the contractions just starting. We phoned the hospital, and they told us to make our way there (well, not really me….but my wife

The Worst Day Of My Life

It happened two weeks ago today. The day started as most Sundays do, for me: up early, a little work on the computer, get the kids sorted with breakfast and into their hockey kit, and out the door to hockey training, hopefully giving my wife a lie in. Training was the same as ever – my youngest trained first with the minis, and mid-morning my wife turned up to collect her,

Happy Holidays (Part 2)

With the inevitable end of the summer holidays closing in around us, and with the normal hectic routine about to resume, I can look back fondly on some of the wonderful days out that the Cude family have had during this gorgeous summer. I’ve already mentioned Swanage and Cheddar Gorge, two great places to visit, and well worth it if you’ve never been. But somewhere we decided to go, and