Rare Disease Day

Things seem to be, ever so slowly, spiralling out of control. Ever since the start of December, my elder daughter (the one diagnosed with IIH) has gradually been getting worse. Two visits to the neurologists since Christmas have seen her medication upped to the maximum dose, which seems to be having little or no effect at all. Days off school seem to be the latest kick in the teeth, and given

Trying Time

Sorry…….it’s been a while. Life, for whatever reason, seems to constantly get in the way. Christmas has been and gone. While we had, for the most part, a great Christmas day, it was marred by my elder daughter feeling very ill in the evening with her IIH (Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension). We very nearly called the hospital, but in the end, didn’t. The following day (Boxing Day) we were all as

Life, IIH And Of Course Hockey!

I swear in my life……….I’ve never worked so hard. And yet I still can’t understand exactly what it is I’m doing, or exactly where all the hours go. I’m up at about 6am, usually before, and don’t go to bed until around 11pm. I might get an hour or so to relax during the evening………watching television, reading, etc……..but for the most part, I’m working in some way, shape or form.

Lulled Into A False Sense Of Security

4am and here I am………….typing at the computer, the few hours of sleep I’ve had all but deserted me now. Where has it gone so wrong? Things seemed to be going so well, but as I’m constantly reminded, disaster never seems particularly far away. I thought the constant nightmares that continued to haunt me had started to leave, be pushed away into some forgotten corner inside my very spacious head,

Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH)

It’s been a while, at least since I’ve written about all of this, but it’s something that’s been affecting our lives, day in, day out, for about eight months now. My elder daughter has been diagnosed with Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH). Check out previous posts under the life category under the tag cloud on the left hand side of my blog’s page. Anyhow, not a week seems to go by

Extended Nightmare

Saturday 22nd February 2014 The last couple of days have been a whirlwind.  If you’re reading this then you’ll probably know my eldest daughter has been ill for a very long time, nearly five months now.  It all started at the beginning of October, and if you want to know every last detail then read the post under the life category in the tag cloud entitled ‘The Worst Day Of

Caged Hell

I step in. The water hits my head, wiping away the last vestiges of sleep. Damn it’s cold! But it takes my mind off of the pain in my back from sleeping in that bed, and all the other things on my mind. It’s Thursday 16th January, 7.20am, and as the cold water assaults the rest of my body I reflect on one, if not the, hardest weeks of my

Not Getting Any Better

2.40am Christmas Eve I’m borked……..at least, that’s what Han Solo, one of my favourite fictional characters would say. Ahhh…..fictional characters. They seem a world away at the moment as I write this in the barely perceptible light of the neurological ward I’m in. The last nine days have seemed like nine years. I’ve had a couple of days at home, having swapped with my wonderful wife, but mainly I’ve been

Late Night/Early Morning Ramblings Of A Mad Man

Monday 16th December ****, ****ER, *****CKS!!!!!! (Sorry for the expletives) Another late night excursion to the hospital and here I am again, 5:52am, in exactly the same bed as last time. God my back hurts. But more pressing than that, is the fact that the time between these visits has decreased rather suddenly. For about ten days now I’ve been plagued by thoughts of my daughter being in hospital over

Saturday Morning Blues

Ahh…….2.45am, I remember you. The last time was only a few weeks ago, here in exactly the same place……..the hospital! It seems ironic that some twelve hours ago (Friday afternoon), I was so tired, I kept dropping off in front of my computer, and yet as I sit here now, I’m unable to go to sleep, on what has become now, a familiar fold down bed. My daughter’s headache (which