Portsmouth Comicon

Last weekend I spent Saturday and Sunday exhibiting my books at the brilliant Portsmouth Comicon. What an event! Huge selections of things to buy, as well as a massive cosplay experience. Some of the costumes and characters were epic. I didn’t get out from behind my stall very much, resulting in a limited number of pictures which aren’t of the usual quality, but here goes. As well as selling lots

New York, New York

It’s been a while, but I’m back. Overtaken by family duties and trying to get the fourth book in my series finished, I’ve just found a way to get back into my blog that I’d let drift by the wayside. “What have you been up to?” I hear you ask. A good question. The most startling news from this year, is that at the ripe old age of 50 (where

Bentwhistle The Dragon Box Set

Available from Amazon in Kindle format and free to read on Kindle Unlimited, why not take a look at the first three books of the Bentwhistle The Dragon series all wrapped up in one fabulous package. Book 1 Can you be heroic and naïve? For Peter Bentwhistle, the answer would most certainly have to be YES! Blissfully unaware of what’s going on around him, for the most part he remains

What A Week

Normally there are so many things going on that my head seems to be constantly spinning, but this week (and it’s only Wednesday) has been something else. Here are the two that stick out. Salisbury Charter Fair Every year at this time, the market place in Salisbury is taken over by the brilliant Charter Fair. Starting in 1227, seven years after the building of Salisbury Cathedral started, it’s still going

The Faerie Review

Check out the latest review of Bentwhistle The Dragon in A Threat From The Past (Book 1 in the Series) on the stunning The Faerie Review Book Blog.       http://www.thefaeriereview.com/2017/10/bentwhistle-dragon-in-threat-from-past.html

Bristol Balloon Fiesta

Well…..eventually the sun came out (actually, more like it stopped raining) and the kids and I finally got to go out, on a planned trip to the Bristol Balloon Fiesta. Having never been before, we didn’t know what to expect. But it was a great day out and all three of us were very glad we went. More importantly, I’m sure all four of us will be going back again

All Change

Well…..it’s been a while, and it’s hard to know where to start. Life would seem to be a constant whirlwind at the moment, without even the vaguest of let ups. Since moving house at the end of last year, something that’s had a radical effect for good on the entire family, there hardly seems time to take a breath, sit back and relax. For the most part I feel trapped

New Year…..New Resolutions. Starting With…..A Book Promotion

After a poor 2016 with a significant family loss, and what at times felt like being plagued by illness, it was at least notable for two things. Firstly, moving house, after 17 years in the old place, something that although we’ve only been in our new place a matter of weeks, I feel will significantly benefit us all as a family, in oh so many ways. And then for me,