The Sober Hockey Player

Star Wars Blog Post Part 2

First of all, I must say ***SPOILER ALERT!*** For those of you who haven’t read the books of the Star Wars Expanded Universe (now apparently not canon) the following will contain graphic information regarding plots, characters, twists and turns, as well as my favourite bits. ENJOY! Despite reading Splinter Of The Mind’s Eye, Han Solo At Stars End etc, for me, it all started with Heir To The Empire. What

Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH)

It’s been a while, at least since I’ve written about all of this, but it’s something that’s been affecting our lives, day in, day out, for about eight months now. My elder daughter has been diagnosed with Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH). Check out previous posts under the life category under the tag cloud on the left hand side of my blog’s page. Anyhow, not a week seems to go by

Star Wars Blog Post Part 1

One of my favourite bits about this post is that I get to add lots of great Star Wars pictures to it. Enjoy! Checking through my social media late last night, something bright and sparkly caught my eye. It was a short video clip about the Star Wars Expanded Universe (EU). Normally not one to watch video clips online, this intrigued me, so I clicked with my mouse and started

My Favourite Easter Memories

As a 13 year old I received a phone call late on the Thursday night before Easter. “Would you like to play hockey tomorrow?” I was asked. (Yes GT it was you, do you remember?) I remember at the time thinking, “How odd! Normally hockey is played on Saturday.” Nevertheless, I jumped at the chance, already being obsessed with my chosen sport, even at, what was then, a very early

Tales of Finndragon Countdown Tour

The Legend of Finndragon’s Curse is an original and unique fantasy adventure, which will appeal primarily to older children and teens, but also adult readers who like a bit of escapism. It is the story of three ordinary children, Emma, Megan, Scott and their pet dog Bones in their quest to find their father, who has been missing for nearly a year. The story is based on an ancient Welsh

Catching That Book Bug

It never really happened for me at school, well, not with reading anyway. I studied English literature up to A level standard, but not at any point did a book we read inspire me. There were, of course, all the usual suspects, such as Shakespeare, in all shapes and forms, and ‘Of Mice And Men’ which I remember vividly……but nothing in any of them set my imagination ablaze, sent goose

Extended Nightmare

Saturday 22nd February 2014 The last couple of days have been a whirlwind.  If you’re reading this then you’ll probably know my eldest daughter has been ill for a very long time, nearly five months now.  It all started at the beginning of October, and if you want to know every last detail then read the post under the life category in the tag cloud entitled ‘The Worst Day Of

Cover Reveal ‘Bentwhistle The Dragon in A Chilling Revelation’

Following his harrowing and near death experience at the talons of the evil dragon Manson in ‘A Threat From The Past’, Peter Bentwhistle, the human shaped dragon and reluctant hero, finds himself on the slow path to recovery. Helped by his dragon friends, Tank and Richie (both in their human forms), he finds solace in his new found friendship with the dragon king. But the three friends are soon unwittingly drawn

Water Water Everywhere

I can’t say I’ve paid much attention to the weather recently, not since before Christmas in fact. Normally I would watch at least one forecast a day, a late evening one on the BBC news, just so I have some idea of the forecast for the following day, enabling me to make sure I have a coat, wrap up warm, or leave extra time to defrost the car in the morning

I Don’t Like Mondays

Monday January 27th 2014 I can’t say it started brilliantly. At home looking after my sick daughter who was recovering from having a ‘blood patch’ the previous Friday. Mostly she was lying flat, on the sofa, as her headache that’s been going on for nearly four months now, is at the moment a low pressure headache, which the doctors in Southampton had hoped to cure by this second ‘blood patch’.